Entomology outing to Nagla block, an extension of the Sanjay Gandhi national park on 23rd july was my first entomology outing. We had a great time there and saw ample of insects.
I had not revised much before the trail except for reading on the orders. I was quite excited as this was my first fultooo insect outing.
The first thing which caught our attention was the PLAIN TIGER

We saw the female of the Danaid egg fly.
We saw a nymph of a grasshopper where shubha explained us about metamrphosis.
We sighted the enchanting Blue oakleaf butterfly which just melted our hearts.
Male common mormon
We saw the Striped tiger and Common grassyellow fluttering around.
We also saw the lady bird beetle. I donno why they call it so. Any idea?
Viren helped us with differentiation of Bugs and Beetles.
We saw a couple of frog bugs one after the other. The second one definitely confuse me. But they are really cute.
Then our fortune continued to shine on us as we got to see the Bird droppin moth pretty close.

Chinese Impatiens ( A beautiful small monsoon flowering plant)
Mitragyna parviflora, the mighty tree which is the food plant of Atlas moth.
Commelina benghalensis.
We saw a couple of cute looking weevils on a plant. I have only seen them in our lab bottles exemplifying pests.
We saw a carpenter bee in our magnifying jar and observed the pollen basket.
It was followed by the beautiful , unsteady and never stable Tailed jay on sitting on Wild tulsi which was giving as a tough time to photograph.
Humming bird hawk moth
Skipper butterfly
We saw a few weevil’s house. They were beautifully rolled up like a bidi. The weevils first give a cut to the leaf and then fold it and gradually make a roll like a bidi. Leaf starts drying up and falls off. Soon they rot and the grub ( young one) feeds on it.
Unidentifyied hawk moth caterpillar.
Yam hawk moth caterpillar
Bag worm moth
Plum judy butterfly

Yam fly on Dioscorea
Forest cockroach
Malabar flat
Blister beetle
Bush cricket
Bark mantis
Looper caterpillar
A pansy caterpillar
Jewel beetle
Many Plant bugs on an single twig. Amazing sight.
Wooly bear moth caterpillar
Bush brown butterfly
Chocolate pansy
This is just half of the things that we Saw as my listing ended as I started of with photography using CEC’S camera.

Another interesting part was the encounter with another blue oakleaf specimen who made me and Doreen built a huge gap between the group and us. We took a few picts of it with open and closed wings.
Whenever I have been for plant trails I have seen many ppl crib aft a certain time abt how many plants to rem. I felt quite the same as soon my recording capacity of the brain stopped. There was so much insect life around , one cant imagine.

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